Integrating an Optimizely email campaign with

Are you looking to enhance your email campaigns with personalized content? Integrating with your Optimizely campaign through Zapier can help you achieve just that!

With this integration, every time a new customer is found in an Optimizely campaign, Zapier will trigger a workflow to fetch the gender for the new customer by their first name from This will then enrich the existing record and enable you to personalize your email content even further.

Create an account with and obtain your API key. Set up a Zapier account and create a new Zap. Choose Optimizely as the trigger app and select "Get Recipients". Connect your Optimizely account and select the email campaign you want to integrate. Set up a action and select "Get Gender by a First Name" as the action event. Select the first name from the Optimizely campaign as the input and provide your API key. Add the action "Update a Recipient in Optimizely Campaign" to update the existing contact with the enriched information. Save and test your Zap.

And that's it! With this integration, you can now easily personalize your email campaigns based on the gender information fetched from

How we constantly improve the search results

As a company that provides API services, we understand how important it is to improve our product's quality continuously. We always strive to make minor adjustments under the hood to improve the quality of the API response. These improvements may go unnoticed by users, but they make a big difference in the overall user experience.

One area we have been focusing on recently is better detecting invalid input. By improving our input validation and by better detecting if the given input is a valid name, we can reduce the likelihood of errors and ensure that our API is more robust and reliable.

Another area where we have been making progress is adding new entries to our database. While adding 200 new entries in march may not seem like a lot, our platform already contains over 6,000,000 names. Adding 200 new entries is a significant monthly achievement, and it reflects our commitment to continually expanding and improving our product. Adding new names to our database can provide more comprehensive and accurate information to our customers. This, in turn, helps them to make better decisions and get more value from our product.

Overall, we are committed to providing our users with the best possible API service. Whether through minor improvements under the hood or more significant updates to our database, we are constantly working to make our product more reliable, accurate, and valuable. We appreciate the support of our users and look forward to continuing to improve our product in the months and years ahead.


OpenAPI Support
How helps to detect pay gaps and gender inequalities

Gender analysis is a systematic method used to evaluate the ways in which gender influences various aspects of society, including labor and pay. It helps to identify and understand gender-based inequalities in the workplace, including pay gaps between men and women. This information can then be used to create policies and programs to address these inequalities and promote equal pay for equal work.

One of the key ways in which gender analysis helps to detect pay gaps is by collecting data and analyzing it to identify patterns and trends. This includes collecting data on the occupations, industries, and pay of men and women, as well as information on their education, experience, and other factors that may affect their earnings. By analyzing this data, researchers can identify areas where there are disparities between the pay of men and women, and determine what factors may be contributing to these disparities. With researchers can enrich existing data with gender information with unprecedented accuracy in seconds.

Another important aspect of gender analysis is the examination of cultural and social norms that may contribute to gender inequalities in the workplace. For example, traditional gender roles may influence the types of jobs that men and women pursue, as well as the pay that they receive for those jobs. By understanding these cultural and social norms, researchers can develop programs and policies that challenge and change these norms to promote equal pay and opportunities for both men and women.

In addition, gender analysis can help to identify the specific policies and practices that may be contributing to gender pay gaps, such as discriminatory hiring and promotion practices, wage discrimination, and the lack of flexible work arrangements for women. By understanding these factors, employers and policymakers can work to address them and create a more equitable workplace for all.

Ultimately, gender analysis is an important tool in the effort to promote equality and close the gender pay gap. By collecting and analyzing data, examining cultural and social norms, and identifying policies and practices that contribute to gender inequalities, we can gain a better understanding of the root causes of these inequalities and work to address them. With the information and insights gained with the help from, we can create a more just and equal society for all.


OpenAPI Support
Screenshot Excel

We're proud to announce that you can now use our platform natively in Microsoft Excel.

Making our product as easy to use as possible has always been important to us. That's why we've developed a native integration of our service into Microsoft Excel.

You may have used our Excel genderization before. Without the native extension, you had to save and upload your Excel file to our platform. An assistant guided you through the process of enriching this file. After our server processed the file, you were able to download your file with added gender information.

But now, it's easier than ever to process an Excel file. You can install our Excel add-on through the Microsoft store and you can enrich your file directly within your sheet.

Our team has done a great job creating a step-by-step guide on how you can enable the add-on. You can find the complete guide here.


OpenAPI Support
Screenshot Swagger

You can now view our complete API documentation in Swagger. With Swagger, you can view all our API endpoints in detail. The tool lets you inspect every request and every response. You can view every variable, its type and description. And awesomely, Swagger allows you to try and play with every API endpoint. You can provide custom data and execute the queries directly from the tool.

You can also download the OpenAPI definition file, which Swagger uses internally. You can directly import this file in various tools like Postman.

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